NIK | 20000916 |
Jabatan Fungsional | Lektor Kepala |
Jabatan Struktural | Kepala Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu (LPM) |
Pusat Studi |
Rantai Pasok | |
- Penelitian Operasional I
- Penelitian Operasional II
- Analisis Keputusan
- Pengantar Teknik Industri
- Metodologi Penelitian Teknik Industri
- Rostenila,A., and Sitompul, C. (2016). A Robust Optimization Model for Lot Sizing with Dynamic Demands. The 17th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. ISBN: 978-986-93997-0-8 [unduh]
- Rezky, J., Sitompul, C. (2015). Pengembangan Model Vendor Managed Inventory dengan Mempertimbangkan Ketidakpastian Leadtime yang Memaksimasi Service Level. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri Universitas Gadjah Mada. ISBN: 978-602-73431-0-8. [unduh]
- Yosefa, Sitompul, C., Alfian. (2015). Perancangan Model VM (Vendor Managed Inventory) dengan Satu Pemasok dan Banyak Retailer yang Meminimasi Ongkos Total Rantai Pasok, Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri. ISSN: 0216-1036/2339-1499. [unduh]
- Mutia, and Sitompul,S. (2014). An Application Of Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Models in A Supermarket. 6th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management. ISSN: 2407-2273. [unduh]
- Apriliani, I., Sitompul, C., Wibisono, Y.Y. (2013). Penerapan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dalam Pengembangan Model Word of Mouth di The Radiant Villas, Prosiding Indonesia Statistical Analysis Conference ISSN: 2354-6212. [unduh]
- Sitompul, C. (2012). A Supply Chain Planning for Small and Medium Enterprises, Proceedings International Conference on Small and Medium Enterprises Development ISBN: 978-602-18426-0-7. [unduh]
- Sitompul, C. , Suryadi, D., Hariandja, J. (2012), A Preliminary Study on Safety Stock Placement Problems with Stochastic Lead Times. Proceedings International Seminar on Industrial Engineering and Management (ISIEM)ISBN: 1978-774X [unduh]
- Resmitasari,, Sitompul, C. (2011), Perbaikan Manajemen Bencana Alam/Darurat di PT X berdasarkan NFPA 1600: 2000Proceedings Seminar Nasional dan Workshop Pemodelan dan Perancangan Sistem ISBN: 978-602-19492-0-7 [unduh]
- Sitompul, C., Hariandja, J. (2011), Perencanaan Rantai Pasok Tangguh yang Memperhatikan Permintaan dan Lead Time Stokastik, CD Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Industri dan Kongres BKSTI VIISBN: 978-602-99977-0-5 [unduh]
- Sitompul, C., and Aghezzaf, E.-H., (2011), An integrated hierarchical production and maintenance planning model, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 17 (3) 299-314. [unduh]
- Sitompul, C., and Aghezzaf, E.-H., (2011), A robust hierarchical production planning for a capacitated two-stage production system, Computers and Industrial Engineering 60 (2), 361-372. [unduh]
- Sitompul, C., and Aghezzaf, E.-H., (2010), A robust supply chain planning: an integrated hierarchical approach, Proceeding ILS 2010, April 14 – 16, Casablanca, Morrocco, 1-10.
- Aghezzaf, E.-H., Sitompul, C., and Najid, N. (2010), Models for robust tactical planning in multi stage production systems with uncertain demands, Computers and Operations Research, 37 (5), 880-889. [unduh]
- Sitompul, C., and Aghezzaf, E. -H. (2009), A multi item lot sizing model for a practical capacitated two-stage capacitated production system, Proceeding INCOM 2009, June 03 -05, Moscow, Russia.
- Sitompul, C., Aghezzaf, E. -H., Van Landeghem, H., and Dullaert, W. (2008), Safety stock placement problems in capacitated supply chains, International Journal of Production Research, 46, 4709-4727. [unduh]
- Sitompul, C., and Aghezzaf, E. -H. (2008), Robust production planning: an alternative to the scenario based optimization model, In: Le Thi, H. A., Bouvry, P., Pham, D. (Eds.), Modeling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences. Vol. 14 of Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, Metz, France, pp. 328-337. [unduh]
- Sitompul, C., and Aghezzaf, E. -H. (2008), A practical solution for a two-stage production system with stochastic demands, Proceeding of ILS 2008, May 29 – June 1, Madison- Wisconsin, USA.
- Aghezzaf, E.-H., Sitompul, C., and Najid, N. (2008) Integrated production and preventive maintenance in production systems subject to random failures, Proceeding of MOSIM 2008, March 31 – April 2, Paris, France.
- Sitompul, C., Aghezzaf, E.-H., and Najid, N. (2007) Alternative robust solutions for the capacitated lotsizing problem with stochastic demands, Proceeding of GI 2007, June 2 – 4, Quebec, Canada.
- Adianto, H., Susana, Sitompul, C.(2005), Penerapan Model Preventive Maintenance Smith and Dekker di PD. Industri Unit INKABAJurnal Teknik Industri, 2005, Vol. 7. No. 1ISSN: 1411-2485. [unduh]